The Office of Legal and Tax Advisers Ferretti Bębenek & Wspólnicy was born out of a meeting of two avid professionals: Giovanni Ferretti and Paweł Bębenek, who gathered extensive experience in legal and tax advisory and developed their own ideas for establishing cooperation with clients. The awareness of various challenges faced by entrepreneurs led the founders of the Law Firm to join forces in order to prepare a comprehensive offer of specialist legal and tax advisory services. On the website of our law firm you can find out more about our offer in the area of both legal and tax consultancy.
We are able to offer our clients solutions to complex legal and tax problems, also at the international level, which is facilitated by the fact that our partners have established contacts and started cooperation with specialists working throughout the European Union and in major jurisdictions outside the European Union, thanks to which we can protect your interests and solve problems regardless of the country in which action is required.
Not only do we strive to solve your problems, but above all we want to support you in developing and conducting profitable business in Poland and abroad.
dr Giovanni Ferretti
He is a legal adviser with many years of experience in commercial and international law gained in law offices in Poland and Italy. His interest in anti-monopoly law led him to work in the Office of Competition Protection in Rome, while the passion for banking law resulted in the doctoral thesis devoted to supervisory issues in the banking sector (Basel III Standard).
Paweł Bębenek
Responsible for the development and management of the tax department. He is a tax advisor with over twenty years of professional experience, which he gained while cooperating with the largest Polish tax consulting offices. Since 2004, as a valued lecturer, he has been conducting tax training – both in VAT and excise tax. He also lectures for the National Chamber of Tax Advisors – including in the West Pomeranian or Lubuskie Branch. He is the author of several dozen tax articles on excise duty, value added tax (VAT), general tax law and tax proceedings, published in tax periodicals, as well as in Rzeczpospolita and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. He is also a co-author of many books, including comments on excise duty, tax on goods and services, and income tax.
Angelo Ferretti
From January 2014, he has been entered on the list of Teramo lawyers (Italy), and from April 2014 – on the list of foreign lawyers of the District Administrative Court in Warsaw. He worked at the Licursi Associated Law Firm based in Teramo, Italy. He advises on court and out-of-court cases for companies that operate or intend to operate abroad. In addition, it supports clients in matters of contracts, debt collection, development and management of commercial networks, franchises, and distribution agreements. Currently, he teaches Italian law at the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies in Translators at the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw.
Thanks to the experience and knowledge of the specialists with whom we cooperate, the legal department of our company is able to provide high quality services responding to the diverse needs of our clients.
We have a strong international focus in our activities, which enables us to offer assistance and protection to our clients’; interests in Poland, Italy, other EU Member States and major jurisdictions outside the EU.
Thanks to the close cooperation of the legal and tax department, our law firm guarantees the highest level of constant service.
Ferretti & Bębenek ACCOUNTING OFFICE offers comprehensive services for business entities in the field of accounting and human resources and payroll administration.
Our main mission is to offer a professional and comprehensive range of activities with an individual approach to each client.
We provide services to commercial law companies, civil partnerships, sole proprietorships, as well as associations and foundations.
Services within the scope of ensuring compliance of the processing of personal data with the requirements of the act on the protection of individuals with regard to the protection of personal data.
From 25 May 2018, the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – hereinafter referred to as "the ARO”; – are in force. From this date on, the correct processing of personal data becomes a particularly important aspect of your business.
Preparation and implementation of anti-mobbing regulations;
representing the employer in disputes with employees in matters relating to mobbing; providing training for employees.
The Law Office offers a package of services related to the support of enterprises in the preparation and implementation of internal anti-corruption regulations in the organization and compliance systems in this area.
In cooperation with certification bodies, we also provide comprehensive assistance in the preparation for obtaining the relevant ISO 37001:2016 certificate and the implementation of the standard in the organization.
We would like to provide you with more than just advice. It is important for us that your legal and tax knowledge is always up to date. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the constant changes in regulations or their interpretation by yourself. Hence, our offer is addressed to you.
We represent taxpayers in inspections and proceedings concerning participation in activities aimed at obtaining refunds of VAT.
Using our many years of professional experience, our team of licensed tax advisors provides comprehensive services for domestic and foreign entities, taking into account the specificity of individual sectors of economic activity. We are characterized by an individual approach to each client. We help in safe, but also optimal tax settlements.
In the succession plan we perceive death as a property and economic risk. We analyze its effects in terms of law, taxes, finance and strategic decisions concerning the organization. We assume that the full and correct implementation of succession plans is ensured by a combination of specialized legal, tax and financial advice.
Preparation of applications for obtaining licences, permits or other decisions enabling to conduct business activity in a specific scope; support in completing the documentation necessary to obtain favourable results; assistance in correspondence with authorities; advice on current problems related to permits, etc.
Thanks to our cross-border experience and extensive networking at the international level, we advise our clients on international expansion processes, providing them with appropriate legal, tax, accounting and human resources support.
We offer a wide range of services in all international cases, we examine all possible aspects of a cross-border nature thanks to cooperation with many foreign law firms.
Our clients increasingly need support in the field of foreign debt collection. Thanks to the cooperation with specialists operating in many countries of Europe and beyond, we are able to lead the client to success in foreign debt collection processes.
We assist clients in succession processes that involve different countries and different legislation.
We specialize in conducting cases related to claims for compensation on behalf of persons injured in traffic accidents, accidents at work, medical errors and other accidents. We offer assistance in claiming compensation and conducting activities aimed at enforcing receivables from insurance companies in Poland and abroad.