dr Giovanni Ferretti

Avvocato, doctor of law, founding partner
He is a legal adviser with many years of experience in commercial and international law gained in law offices in Poland and Italy. His interest in anti-monopoly law led him to work in the Office of Competition Protection in Rome, while the passion for banking law resulted in the doctoral thesis devoted to supervisory issues in the banking sector (Basel III Standard).
2007 – Master – Universita ‘degli Studi di Teramo, facolta’ di Giurisprudenza, – 110 summa cum laude (with distinction)
2011 – entry to the Italian Chamber of Legal Advisors and Attorneys – as Avvocato
2012 – UW – PhD thesis – international banking law
2012 – OIRP Warszawa, entry WA / Z / A / 73 – foreign lawyer
Non-business passions:
Singing, piano, football, tennis, padel, travels.
- „Il fallimento del consumatore nella riforma della legge fallimentare polacca” („The consumer bankruptcy in the reform of the polish insolvency law”), Il Foro Padano, year 66/3, 2010;
- „Basel II and the consequences of its implementation on the SMEs system”, Journal of financial management, SGH (Szkoła Główna Handlowa), Warsaw, 2010;
„Diritto economico Polacco – manuale per gli imprenditori” („Polish economic law – manual for entrepreneurs”), Derra, Meyer & Partners, 2011.avvocato, doctor of law, managing partner of the Law Firm
- Company law;
- bankruptcy law;
- international disputes;
- banking law;
- competition law.
Customer service in language:
- Polish;
- Italian;
- English.