Team Partners dr Giovanni Ferretti Avvocato, doctor of law, founding partner +48 518 734 Paweł BębenekTax consultant, managing partner of the Law Office+48 514 193 018 Angelo FerrettiAvvocato, international relations manager, partner at the Law Office. Legal department Damian Kostur, LL.M.Director of the legal department, legal counsel Michał Śnit Lawyer Sylwia PiotrakLegal counsel Magdalena GórakLegal trainee Tax department Tomasz StanekLegal advisor, tax advisor, director of indirect taxes Paweł GresztaTax advisor, head of the direct tax department Karolina Ostapiuk Legal counsel, tax consultant Accounting office Beata ObszyńskaMember of the board of the Accounting Office Monica Anna TorrettaMember of the Board of the Accounting Office, Avvocato, Manager for International Relations. Administration department Wojciech IlkowskiAdministrative and financial director Daria NiwińskaBoard assistant Training department dr Magda FerrettiPersonal trainer