dr Magda Ferretti

Personal trainer
For ten years, she has been working in an international environment conducting global business projects and being responsible for relationships with geographically dispersed corporate clients in the banking and advisory sector. Her passion is multiculturalism, which she experiences personally as an Italian wife and mother of two bilingual children.
She graduated in Psychology at the University of Warsaw, English Philology at the SWPS University and Management at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). She defended her PhD thesis on leadership in virtual teams at SGH. He is a coach and coach (Erickson Coaching International school in Krakow).
Non-business passions:
The author of publications in the field of dispersed teams (including the chapter “How virtual are virtual teams?” And in “Business and non-profit organizations facing increased competition and growing customers’ demands”). CSR (among others, Are banks’ bad monograph? CSR practices of banks operating in Poland, 2012 and CSR chapter of banks in Poland and social capital, 2013, in: “Corporate social responsibility in the new economy”).
offers training and consulting and coaching support for organizations in the field of:
- remote work and distributed units;
- CSR;
- leadership
She conducts trainings in the following languages:
- Polish
- English
- Italian